Monday, May 9, 2011

Taking the first step

I went to a yoga class yesterday morning.  Okay, big deal, you might say.  But there were a few reasons that made this feel like a fairly meaningful accomplishment to me.
  1. I stopped thinking about it and took action.  I have been talking about taking a weekly yoga class FOREVER.  Why did I wait until yesterday to finally check out the studio that is literally down the street from me?
  2. I stepped outside my comfort zone.  I would like to say that I am open to new experiences and challenges, but honestly, it can be easy to fall into the daily grind of a familiar routine.  The unknown sometimes can be an obstacle, and it's not until you commit to taking that first step that you suddenly realize you were just being silly by not giving something new a try.
  3. I acknowledged that I needed to find ways to "take care of me."  I realize that this may sound selfish, but often I have a really tough time answering the question: What are you doing to take care of yourself?  It's so easy to fill your schedule with work, family, friend, and other life commitments, and if you are feeling fulfilled by most of these activities, then you're probably in good shape.  But when you start to feel like you're at the bottom of an inverted pyramid, it's time to take a step back, take a deep breath, and then take action to carve out some "me" time.  I was definitely feeling like I needed to do this.
At the start of the class, the instructor advised us to close our eyes and push away any expectations for the class, and to just focus on being in the moment.  For many, this is probably how a typical yoga class gets started.  For me, it was a gentle reminder that I didn't have to meet a certain goal or push myself to hit every pose perfectly.  Even more importantly, I continued to think about finding ways to "stay in the moment" long after the class had ended.  And I think that's a really good thing.

Yesterday was a perfect example of how taking the first step can feel like a monumental leap in your life.  Even if it's something as minor as taking a new class.  If you are able to feel fulfilled, even for just a short while, from a simple act that may seem small and trivial - that's a good thing!  We all need to take a few minutes to savor that feeling and be proud that we took that first step.  For me, I wanted to write this post so that I would remember how something as simple as a trying a yoga class could make me feel nourished.  I may never be a full-fledged yogi with pretzel-like flexibility (as evidenced by lots of soreness today!), but then again, I don't need to be.  I just need little moments like this that demonstrate I am making strides to prioritize bringing balance to my life.  By putting it in writing, I hope that this post will remind me to keep seeking out similar types of experiences - and if anything, to take the first step and just give it a try.

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